These quirky, noisy birds are found at forest edge and gardens around St Lucia in small groups.
They have an amazingly diverse diet but show a preference for the pericarp of Cycad seeds and Mahogany seeds. A large part of their diet also consists of invertebrate prey such as Setaro's dwarf chameleon, Beetles, Frogs, Scorpions etc. They are also often found feeding at termite alate emergences. Additionally, they often raid the nests of other birds for the chicks.
They have an amazingly diverse diet but show a preference for the pericarp of Cycad seeds and Mahogany seeds. A large part of their diet also consists of invertebrate prey such as Setaro's dwarf chameleon, Beetles, Frogs, Scorpions etc. They are also often found feeding at termite alate emergences. Additionally, they often raid the nests of other birds for the chicks.
They nest in typical hornbill fashion in tree cavities where the female is encased inside by narrowing the entrance with mud.