Lesser moorhen are rare around St Lucia during dry periods becoming much more common in high rainfall periods when there are large areas of flooded grassland and heavily vegetated wetlands.
They are more skulking than the larger Common moorhen.
An interesting observation of these birds was that of a decomposing hippo carcass on the Eastern shores of Isimangaliso Wetlands park which was lying half in the water and full of maggots. The maggots provided a rich food source and attracted at least 7 individuals (probably many more!)
They are more skulking than the larger Common moorhen.
An interesting observation of these birds was that of a decomposing hippo carcass on the Eastern shores of Isimangaliso Wetlands park which was lying half in the water and full of maggots. The maggots provided a rich food source and attracted at least 7 individuals (probably many more!)